The Stinson 108 Voyager in Spain Jaime Cervera REV A - Updated - 3/2/01 Homepage visitor Jaime Cervera sent me this information about the Stinson 108 in Spain. URL for Spanish Homepage with Stinson 108 is: You can find a photo of the sole flying example of a Stinson 108 in Spain. She belongs to the Fundación Infante de Orleans (FIO), the biggest collection in Spain of flyable antique planes. In the text, you can see that, in August 1950, 42 Stinson 108-3 arrived to Spain. Of them, 12 went to flying clubs, 8 to the airline "Iberia" and other public organizations (CEFTA and Dirección General de Aviación Civil) and 22 to the Ejercito del Aire. The FIO's Stinson was originaly the EC-ADY, that was in the Valencia flying club until last 1980's. Now she is decorated to represent one of the planes used by the airline "Iberia", where they were used for the instrumental training of the airline pilots. The FIO collection is situated in the Cuatro Vientos Airport, adjacent to the Museo del Aire that you had visited. There are at least six other non-flyable Stinson 108 registered in Spain. I hope this information could be useful to you, Yours sincerely, Jaime Cervera